Life is a ceaseless movement. Every minute, someone in the world goes to work, someone thinks about forever, writes poetry, someone celebrates a wedding or the birth of a child, someone dies - as it is said, "goes away"...
Wherever we are, whatever we do, our movement is like breathing - it can be shallow or deep, fast or slow, active or calm, conscious or unconscious, but it never stops, does not cease, does not freeze.
Are we siting at the computer, or watching a theatrical performance, horseback riding or diving on coral reefs, our body does not remain indifferent. Even in sleep it is listening, responding, experiencing and talking with us in it's own language . This "talk" is an ongoing discourse about life and death, personal boundaries, relationships between people, "internal" and "external" world, body and soul...
How can we understand "non-verbal" language? How it's understood and perceived by people close to us? How can we talk, think in that language, and understand other people? What is that - o u r movement? Asking these and other questions maybe very interesting process.